As 2021 comes to a close, Ricky and I want to take this opportunity to thank our families and friends who have supported us in our journey this year. They have listened to endless discussions about our blog, offered us encouragement and celebrated our accomplishments. And of course we want to thank our readers who have come to visit with us. It has been a very exciting year for us. We launched our new website after many, many months in the making. And we did a redo of all the recipes on our first site to present the making of the recipe in pictures. We have added the Claudia’s Cooking Tip section and a Back to Basics section to explore cooking techniques and terms that take more than a few lines in a post to cover. Of course, we continue to add Ricky’s easy dinner recipes too! In the coming year we will be adding a table scape picture gallery. The changing tables on our home page seem to be a big hit. Adding a gallery section will let us all look back at our favorites. We are now on Pinterest, and are working on populating our boards on that platform. All in all, it has been a year full of learning and growing, triumphs and challenges, but it has all been fun.
How can I leave this post without saying a few words about our cooking Gnomes in the feature shot. My daughter-in-law, Cindy gave them to me as a Christmas gift, noting that she expected them to be proudly displayed on a post 😊. Looking at these cute little guys, I am secretly thinking…..hummmm these don’t really look like us do they?? No, they don’t. Ricky and I never dress alike 😂. In any case our little Gnomes, Ricky and I, do have something in common; We wish you health, happiness, peace, love and joy in 2022. And we hope you will stop by often to visit us for all things dinner.